Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wrapping Up the Summer Garden

Since we had such a mild beginning to Fall in Dallas, our garden actually spit out a few more pieces of fruit and veggies this last month.  Yesterday I picked 8 eggplants!  They were little guys but still a great addition to our Loaded Baked Pasta last night.  

A big thank you to Lowes for our Meyer Lemon Tree!  Wow! I can’t believe how many lemons we got our first year, and from a “Lowes” tree.  I had my doubts buying one from there, but I was wrong.  Can’t wait to see what happens next year.  I'm on the hunt for a Lemon Infused Vodka Recipe.  Any suggestions??  I've found a few but I'm not completely sure how to store it in the freezer. . .

And I think I picked the biggest and sweetest strawberry of the season a couple of weeks ago.  Not many berries survive in our backyard.  We have a strawberry thief around here.  No, I’m not talking about squirrels or birds, it’s way worse -- a TWO YEAR OLD!  She loves pulling off the green ones and eating them!  Lovely! 

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