2011 A Year of Change
My husband really likes making New Year's Resolutions -- Me, I'm not big on them at all! Way too much commitment : ) This year's resolution was more of motto, 2011 Our Year of Change. It's not that 2010 was a bad year by any means, but there were some things we wanted to try to change this year. Number one on the list was to move back to Texas. Well be careful what you wish for! In February we found out that Baby White will be joining our little family in October. Shortly after that we got the go ahead for the move back to Texas for August 1st.
A move means finding a new home! I think we deserve having as much space and closets as we can afford after living in a 720 sq ft apartment for the last 3 1/2 years. The home we found is really great as is, minus the room colors. But having a builder for a dad makes a few renovations possible.
We're not quite a White House in Texas yet, but very soon. The most fun thing about the move (in my opinion) is getting to decorate a whole house! Since I moved out of my parents house for college in 2001 I have always lived in apartments -- minus one little house in Ft. Worth.
Baby White's Nursery is the first on the agenda! He/She will be arriving on or around October 8 and we're not finding out the sex. I thought this would make decorating the room a challenge but so far I haven't had too much trouble. I'm envisioning a mostly white room with grays and yellows. Then once the baby comes I'll add corals or turquoises. I know I know white with a baby I'm crazy! Let me be the mom that at least wants the first baby's room pretty : ) This is what I have so far...
target.com |
This is just the start. It maybe a slightly more challenging attempting the gender neutral room, but I'm so glad it's not an all pink or blue room.
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